Stroke Recovery

Hypnosis Aids Stroke Recovery

As we age, we just naturally become more vulnerable to disease processes such as high blood pressure, heart disease and stroke.

But an interesting case study by two Los Angeles researchers sheds doubt on traditional views about the chances for recovery from at least one of these dreaded diseases – stroke. Widely accepted medical viewpoints claim that all recovery from a stroke will stop at about six months after the occurrence of the vascular accident. But using hypnosis, a technique not normally associated with the treatment of stroke, researchers helped a 66-year-old woman regain several physical capacities, including limited use of a disabled arm and the ability to walk without a cane.

The hypnotherapy began six months post-stroke and lasted for six months. Under hypnosis, the patient was guided through imagery that recalled memories of previous abilities, including swimming in a river as a child. In addition to the hypnosis sessions, the woman was given audiotapes to practice with at home. Follow-up one year post-stroke showed verifiable improvement in the physical capabilities of the patient.

Researchers Jean Holroyd of the University of California at Los Angeles and Alexis Hill of Permanente Center in Lomita, California speculated that even though therapy for strokes is traditionally viewed as not being useful beyond six months post-stroke, the capacity of the mind to learn new information and processes does not have an end point. Imagery works on the mind in a way that is not yet clearly understood. But, as these results show, the ability of imagery to push back traditional limits of effective therapy holds exciting possibilities, and it is an area that merits further investigation.

As an interesting side note, the hypnotherapy was instituted at the request of the patient, after a neurologist had concluded that she would not likely gain any further improvement in her physical condition. Sometimes, it seems, the patient knows best.

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What Colleagues and Clients Are Saying

Natalya Gomelsky

The service and attention I received at the Orange County Achieve Health Center was unparalleled. I greatly appreciated the professionalism and care that I experienced and would highly recommend the holistic health center to everyone that I know. Thank you to the dedicated staff and especially to Katherine Agranovich for all the care and support.
- Your loyal and satisfied client,

Cynthia K.

“I came in to see Dr. Agranovich because I was diagnosed with diabetes and I was resentful and depressed. After a few sessions, the turning point for me was when Dr. Agranovich asked me, what was the opposite of illness? I realized it was wellness and from that point on, we began focusing on me being well. I enjoy our sessions because Dr. Agranovich provides me with a different ways to think and approach health. And now, as my body is resolving the imbalance, I know it was never about the diabetes, but about me knowing my wellbeing.”

Aryeh K.

I began getting night terrors with outbreaks of aggression and sleep walking and I couldn’t find help anywhere. Multiple doctors offered pills, but I didn’t want the side effects. So the problem persisted I began dreading going to sleep every night. I finally did two sessions of hypnosis and Reconnective healing and they transformed everything. Walking out of my second session, I was more relaxed and confident than I had been and for the first time in months I was excited to get some sleep. I was cured of my night terrors, and through hypnosis I discovered that my brain had the ability to overcome this problem itself.”

A. B.

I am writing to say thank you for helping me with my performing anxiety. As a vocal performance major at UCI, I am expected to be comfortable singing in front of others whether it is in class, in a voice lesson, or in front of an audience. Without your help through hypnotherapy, I would not be pursuing my major. Thank you for giving me back my dream! I look forward to continuing to work with you to improve my concentration and memory.


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